The Responsible AI Institute
The Responsible AI Institute (RAI Institute) is a global and member-driven non-profit dedicated to enabling successful responsible AI efforts in organizations. The RAI Institute’s conformity assessments and certifications for AI systems support practitioners as they navigate the complex landscape of creating, selling or buying AI products. Through our global network of responsible AI experts, the RAI Institute offers valuable insights to practitioners, policymakers, and regulators to enable technologies that improve the social and economic well-being of society.
Meet Our Team
Our leaders, staff, board members and advisors all share a profound care for and understanding of responsible AI. They know that responsible AI matters and that it has serious implications for businesses, governments and society.

Melynna Garcia

RAI Institute Community
The responsible AI ecosystem is made up of all types of organizations, from private sector companies, regulators, standards organizations, academic institutions, civil society, individual experts, and many more. Over the years RAII has embedded itself in this community, convened it and advised it, in addition to creating strong partnerships with key actors.


