We are a proud partner of HumanX. Join us in Las Vegas, March 10-13th. Register to attend here. Use RAI Institute community discount code HX25p_RAI to save $250.

Featured Case Study

Discover how leading organizations are turning Responsible AI principles into practice through their partnership with the RAI Institute. Our case studies showcase the transformative journeys of members who have successfully navigated the complexities of implementing RAI frameworks across their operations. Check back as we feature a new case study monthly. 

Interested in joining 500+ members who have made responsible AI a priority for their organization?

Founded in 2016, Responsible AI Institute (RAI Institute) is a global and member-driven non-profit dedicated to enabling successful responsible AI efforts in organizations. We accelerate and simplify responsible AI adoption by providing our members with assessments and assets, benchmarks and certifications that are closely aligned with global standards and emerging regulations.

Members include leading companies such as Amazon Web Services, Boston Consulting Group, KPMG, ATB Financial and many others dedicated to bringing responsible AI to all industry sectors. Ready to get started?

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